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HomeCultureDaily Horoscope: Sex & Love Feb. 1-15

Daily Horoscope: Sex & Love Feb. 1-15

Erotic Astrology with Bubbles: What is “Mercury in Retrograde”

Hello, all you beautiful people out there following along with your gal Bubbles! I hope y’all had a great few weeks. I’m going to hit a few fun facts and then get right down to what you really came here for: Your erotic daily horoscope.

A lot of folks are asking, “what is Mercury in retrograde? What does it all mean?

Well Sugar, it simply means this: Mercury is actually never in retrograde, it is retrograde (retrograde-meaning reverse).

Mercury appears to be moving backward but, it’s not! Mercury’s retrograde happens three times a year. Each retrograde has a shadow period for different signs of the zodiac before and after, which lasts about two to three weeks meaning that each Mercury retrograde holds influence for close to two months for some folks. You’re welcome, honey. There’s a lot I can go on about here but, I’ll spare you the small details and get to the important stuff.

Mercury is known as the planet of communication. The following are the dates she’ll be rearing her ugly head in retrograde this year:

  • January 14th– February 3rd. (She’s almost done. YAY!) Her Shadow period is from December 29th, 2021 – February 23rd . 2022 in Aquarius & Capricorn.
  • May 10th – June 3rd 2022. Shadow is from April 29th – June 18th in Gemini & Taurus.
  • September !0th – October 2nd. Shadow from August 21st – October 17th in Libra & Virgo.
  • December 29th – January 18th. Shadow from December 12th – February 7th in Capricorn.

What Does Mercury Have to Do with You?

If you’re asking, “Bubbles, what’s this got to do with me”? Well, I’ll tell you. Yes, weird shit happens during retrograde like computer crashes, website glitches, emailing your boss a nudie instead of your S/O, are you still paying attention? Okay, good. Let’s move on shall we?

Mercury is a time for reflection. When these shitty things are happening around us we’re going to want to pause and reflect on the situation rather than act.

Gosh, I should take my own advice!

Anyhoo, while the planet of communication is going backward it’s good to do anything that begins with “RE”: revise, reconsider, review, you get it! A few things to do or not: No rushing, keep everything flexible, do finish your projects, do not make any major purchases!

Retrograde isn’t really a bitch she just plays one on T.V. while, she pops a few of our bubbles, She’s just yelling at us to slow down. The more you accept that plans change the quicker you’ll get over it.

Questions? Send them to [email protected] and I’ll try to answer them! Now, what you really came here for.

Your Daily Horoscope & Guidance For a Better Sex & Love Life

Daily horoscope, Aries

Aries: March 21- April 20

Well, Aries, being that Mercury’s retrograde is still lingering about (she can beat it anytime soon), be warned Rams, make sure your sexting the right person before hitting “send”. Re-read, reflect, see what I did there? Continue to be cautious is the message I’m trying to give you. On the 1st, Venus (the love planet) will enter Aquarius who’s more logical. Don’t fret honey, this shouldn’t influence your love life. The 11th brings in a New Dark Moon which means a fresh start is coming, this is a fantastic time to reconnect with friends you’ve been separated from due to Covid. Get out there and stimulate your mind, body, and soul. Set your intentions around friendship over the next few weeks. You will thank me later.

Daily horoscope, Taurus, erotic astrology

Taurus: April 20 – May 21

Taurus, if you can dream it you can defiantly reach out and grab it.  You’ll be turned up on the 1st with the new moon. You’re embarking on a new path in your career, you better embark on a new journey with your lover as well. Find your way out of the bedroom Taurus. Try the car, the counter, the movie theater… you get where I’m going, right? (See suggestions here) You are working your way to the top of both your career and your connection with you lover. Finally, Mercury’s Retrograde is ending on the 3rd making it so much easier for you to have a more positive mindset (thank Goddess)! You’ll make some very nice connections, who knows where that could lead you? On the 4th you will FINALLY come to the realization of everything it’s going to take to succeed. Act accordingly on this day. On the 14th you’re ready to let that star shine for Valentine’s Day! You’re a very sensual creature let your imagination get lost in the romance on this day.

Taurus, Erotic Astrology

Daily Horoscope for the Gemini Woman: May 21 – June 21

Oh babies, on the 1st it’s time to let your inhibitions fly. Take some risks in the bedroom, office, in whatever area of life that’s calling out to you for some fun. I’d tell you to try a new position but, I have a feeling you’ve already done them all? See life through a new window on the 4th. You realize that in order for your manifestations to take root you must believe in them first. On the 11th you will get a charge in your intuition that feels like a charge of electricity. Light that fire with your S/O. Hang from the rafters wrapped in rope, or whatever floats your boat. On the 14th let go of any negative drama and focus on your relationship. Have a kinky ass Valentine’s Day.

Daily Horoscope for the Cancer Woman: June 21  – July 23

Things are looking up Crabbies! This month has so much potential that you’re ready to grab it by the balls! On the 1st grab your circle and find a way to give back to the community. Orgie anyone? But, before you give yourself to the community maybe give your partner a little facesitting session and let yourself go. Give into some raw pleasure. Your patients will be tested on the 4th, remind yourself that beautiful accomplishments take time & effort, don’t rush it, honey. Mind-blowing revelations come on the 11th, maybe they will come at the same time you’re having a mind-blowing orgasm. Prepare for a climactic conversation that will bring this whole retrograde experience full circle. By the 14th your evening will be nothing but fun and playful. Let your imagination take flight.

Daily horoscope, leo

Daily Horoscope for the Leo Woman: – July 23-Aug 23

Grrrrr Baby, grrrrrrrl! This month is yours, babe. The 1st is going to spark something amazing in your relationships both romantic and career. There is going to be harmony and dedication in your world. On the 4th you finally are done with any red flags you’ve had pop up but, you’re ready to demand to respect & commitment you deserve. On the 11th you’ll take your power to the next level, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t be. This month will kick off for you on the 14th and all of that hard work will pay off which will lead to you and your S/O having a long and explosive evening, in the best way possible. Let that beautiful mane down and go with it.

Daily horoscope virgo

Daily Horoscope for the Virgo Woman: Aug 23 – Sept 23

It’s time to shake up your schedule & that ass Virgos! As the new moon comes round on the 3rd it’ll be time for a change of pace. The time to re-arrange your schedule, sex life, and free time is NOW!

Sometimes just embracing a new vibe in your daily routine and relationship can invite more opportunities for creativity, play, and joy. Have a little fun with your partner on Valentine’s Day, take them out to dinner, and have a “secret fondling” session under the table. That secrecy really gets that motor going. Vibe with your boo, take it to the truck and take care of business.

erotic astrology, libra

Daily Horoscope for the Libra Woman: Sept 23 – Oct 23

Oh honey, tip those scales, OKAY! Venus & Mars are connecting on both February & March 12th. On these two days you will not want to be anywhere but rolling around in the sheets whether it be with a crush, a new “friend”, or you’re S/O. Your craving for pleasure in the next few weeks will be massive, expect orgasms galore! Take some time for yourself as well. As the sign of partnership and balance, you want to be connected to others but to do so sweetie, you’re going to have to get in touch with what you truly desire.


Daily Horoscope for the Scorpio Woman – Oct 23 – Nov 22

Oh, Scorpio, around the 1st you may feel a bit detached from your true feelings…try to figure out why that is. Re-attach if necessary. If not, move on. This will be a positive for you so don’t go overthinking anything, ok! After the 3rd you’ll start to focus on Valentine’s Day. As the sign of sex, death, & transformation your sign rules the genitals. Yep, I said that. Sex is a huge part of life for you, and you take it seriously. This will give you plenty of time for planning. Just know that no matter who you are with, whether it be a toy, a S/O, friends, or a sex dungeon fanatic, you are where you are meant to be.

Sagittarius, daily horoscope

Daily Horoscope for the Sagittarius Woman – Nov 22 – Dec 22

Break out your bow & arrow baby, cause you’re ready for battle. This could mean you could be making an exit on a dead-end relationship or things could be moving forward in a healthy one. Either way, Archer, get ready for some changes.

Don’t fret it’s all in the cards for you as sure as the stars will be shooting across the sky for you, orgasms will be had, & hair could get pulled this Valentine’s Day. Have fun and get dirty.

However, try not to dominate conversations. February really wants you to do some listening, if you do so you will have a better chance of getting the outcome you des


Daily Horoscope for the Capricorn Woman – Dec 22 – Jan 20

You generally think more with your head and not your heart, but Capricorn, February has you knocking on your heart’s door. Don’t worry, this will be amazing and leave you Cumming back for more! So, this month you’re to take some time for yourself, as last month things really picked up for you professionally. You “work to play” but sweetie you are not a machine. On the 1st,  Juno “the asteroid of marriage” enters Aquarius. This will bring some clarity to your love life. On the 3rd everything in your world turns pink & red and you’re going to embrace the love rather than be resentful towards it like you can be. On the 14th you have money on your mind, Capricorn. Let your partner know you have work to do but, you have not forgotten about them. This will be made up in the following week as things slow down for you. It will be amazing!

Aquarius, Erotic Astrology

Daily Horoscope for the Aquarius Woman: Jan 20 – Feb 19

Well, let’s get down to it, shall we? On the 1st start planning your personal goals for the upcoming month. On this day as well, Juno enters “the asteroid of marriage”. It’s ok if you never want to marry: this just puts all commitments on your mind, whether it’s a S/O, a friend, or a job. Just ask yourself if you are in it for the right reasons. If you are unhappy it’s probably time for an exit. You can tend to lead people on and/or be avoidant, it’s time to cut that shit out! Tough conversations will get easier on the 3rd, and then your mushy side will make an appearance on the 14th. This wont necessarily have anything to do with Valentine’s Day. This shift will help you lower walls and let people know how you feel about them as Mercury enters your sign on this day. You’re going to love all the attention you are going to receive after you do.

Your Daily Horoscope, Pisces

Daily Horoscope for the Pisces Woman: Feb 19 – March 21

This month asks you to think about all things pretty and most importantly, you! Pisces season always brings plenty of bubble baths, this is also an important few weeks for your love & sex life.

On the 1st you’re filled with intuition, emotions, and empathy. Venus, the planet of love & money comes into your sign on the 10th and little treats start coming your way. Do not be afraid to tell your S/O just what you want for Valentine’s Day. Whether it be a sexy piece of lingerie or a shiny new butt plug. If you do have an S/O they will be in the mood to reset the relationship this next few weeks. This will give you a huge confidence booster! IF you are single this is a great time to meet someone.  Looks like your next few weeks will be as beautiful as you are.

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