Signs You Might Have a Vaginal Yeast Infection
Can we start openly talking about our vaginas and all of the common things that can affect our vaginal health? Candidiasis or vaginal yeast infections are a common condition in women that is caused due to the abnormal growth of a fungus called Candida Albicans in the vagina. Most women experience a yeast infection at some point in their lives if not often, and yet there is still shame around speaking openly about the condition.
So let’s talk about it. Vaginal yeast infections cause your vagina, and its outer parts to swell, itch, and impart a burning sensation. A proper balance between yeast and good bacteria is essential for good vaginal health as they kill off harmful organisms. But when the balance is disturbed, a fungal infection can take place.
So what causes vaginal yeast infections to occur?
What are the possible causes of vaginal yeast infections?
On the bright side, vaginal yeast infections are not sexually transmitted. Any of the following conditions or reasons could cause the condition to occur:
- Long-term consumption of antibiotics leads to the eradication of healthy vaginal flora
- Diabetes
- Consumption of oral contraceptives
- Pregnancy
- Sweating in the genital area
- Weak immune system
If any of these causes seem relatable, you should look for the symptoms to make sure if it’s an infection
Yeast Infection Symptoms
- Pain and a burning sensation during urination
- Extreme itching and soreness in the genital area
- Odorless, thick vaginal discharge
- Redness or swelling in the vagina
Can I do something at home?
It’s always better to treat vaginal yeast infections rather than waiting for them to go away naturally. If you have never had a vaginal yeast infection before, and are not sure about what you have, make sure to visit your OBGYN first before trying to self-diagnose and treat. Even the mildest infection, if not treated properly, can cause a significant problem. Here are some of the effective home remedies for vaginal yeast infections.
Boric Acid
This solution is scientifically backed and is also effective for the treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis. You can pick up these suppositories from the health section in your neighborhood grocery store. The minute you feel the itching begin, insert a suppository in the evening before bed. You’ll want to wear a light pad for the rest of the night. You can use the suppositories up to 7 days. This solution is highly effective and has minimal to no side effects.
Take Your Probiotic!
There are probiotics that are specifically designed to help with vaginal health (yeast and BV). Make sure to get a probiotic with no fewer than 50 Billion CFUs. This is a scientifically backed approach to preventing and aiding in the recovery from yeast infections. Make taking your probiotic a regular part of your daily routine.
Essential Oils to treat yeast infection
There are various essential oils for yeast infections. Here are the ones we trust the most.
Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is one of the best essential oils to treat yeast infections. It has antifungal properties and has been tested on various type of yeast infections and have passed it all. A little safety tip from us is not to use it on damaged skin, especially the one with cuts and scratches. It will impart a burning sensation to it.
Always mix the undiluted essential oil with some carrier oil such as coconut, almond, or jojoba, whatever suits you the best. You need to mix 3-5 drops of tea tree oil with one ounce of carrier oil and gently massage it on the affected area.
Don’t forget to patch test on your forearm.
The oil from wild oregano contains active anti-fungal ingredients. It can also be found in the form of capsules. To use the capsule, pinch it and take a drop or two and mix it with one ounce of carrier oil (sweet almond, jojoba). Apply it on your red and itchy skin and leave it overnight. It can even be applied inside the vagina and is safe. Immediately clean with water, if the oil feels like burning. However, a little tingling sensation is normal.
Always test for allergies before using any essential oils on your skin.
Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is a rich source of vitamin C and probiotics. It contains living bacteria that can help to restore a healthy vaginal environment and also prevent the overgrowth of yeast.
You have to make sure that the yogurt is to be taken without any added flavors or sugar. Probiotics contain Lactobacillus bacteria that help to maintain a balanced yeast-bacteria ratio in our body.
Apple cider vinegar
The benefits of consuming apple cider vinegar are endless, besides its amazing anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties, it’s a rich source of antioxidants that helps to flush out the bacteria and detox the internal system.
Many people may think douching with Apple cider vinegar is safe. Douching can lead to the washing off of all the bacteria, be it good or bad, which makes the area more prone to infection. The safe method here is to take a bath, add about half a cup of it to your bathtub and soak in it for 15-20 minutes. This can help to kill harmful bacteria.
Garlic has been proven as an amazing natural remedy for treating several intestinal and bacterial infections. If you have a vaginal yeast infection you should not directly rub it over the affected area since it has a list of strong enzymes which can cause burning and irritation. The recommended way to use it is by consuming a crushed clove with lukewarm water first thing first in the morning on an empty stomach.
Wearing light and loose linen
Besides practicing good genital hygiene and avoiding any chemical products in or on the vagina, it is essential to keep the area dry and free from moistness. It is natural to sweat, but make sure to use powder and keep the area clean and dry. Wear light undergarments made of cotton. It absorbs sweat fast and keeps the skin cool.
Sugar and processed foods can cause bacterial infections, so avoid them as much as you can. Home remedies need to be followed for at least two weeks to see noticeable changes. Therefore, be patient and practice them consistently.
Author Bio: Emylee is a wellness lifestyle writer. She loves sharing her thoughts and personal experiences related to natural remedies, yoga and fitness through her writing. She currently writes for How To Cure. She can connect with others experiencing health concerns and help them through their recovery journeys through natural remedies.