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Biggest Takeaways From the First Presidential Debate

In Case You Missed it: Presidential Debate Top Takeaways

Maybe you just couldn’t bear to lose even one more minute listening to trumps childish, ignorant, racist and misogynistic ramblings. Maybe you’ve already made up your mind about who you are voting for and thought it a waste of time. Or, maybe you just had other things you had to tend to. Whatever the reason, if you missed last night’s Biden vs. Trump presidential debate, or simply got too inebriated to catch everything, there are some pretty important takeaways every American should know about.

Don’t worry! You don’t have to re-traumatize yourself by watching the debates over or even viewing the clips that are being tossed around all over the net. We’ve rounded up the most important moments that occurred during last night’s presidential debate for you, and you can read about them all below.

presidential debate

Important Takeaways from the Presidential Debate

  • Trump went all proud boy on us: That’s right folks. Chances are, you’ve already heard about this one, but when Vice President Biden suggested he condemn the Proud Boys, a far-right white nationalist organization that is also a hate group, trump declared, “Proud Boys: Stand back and stand by.” Most take this as a sign that trump considers himself in command of these heavily armed and out of shape beer-bellied, racist hillbillies. Merca…
  • Trump is organizing armed “poll watchers”: So, if ya didn’t catch it, this is one of the most underrated, but important moments from last night’s presidential debate. Trump admitted he encouraged his supporters to monitor Election Day polling places for instances of fraud. “I am encouraging my supporters to go into the polls and watch very carefully, because that’s what has to happen — I am urging them to do it,” Mr. Trump said during the presidential debate. And these un-official poll watchers have been seen at the polls armed and intimidating people.
  • Trump won’t go without a tantrum: When asked if he would leave the White House peacefully if he lost, trump wouldn’t commit.
  • Everyone wants trump to shut the fuck up: The highlight of the night for most people and all of Twitter was when Vice President Biden said, “Will you shut up, man?” I mean, I actually jumped off of the couch and cheered. And from what I read, people all across the country were doing the same.
  • Biden does best talking to us: The only sane moments in last night’s presidential debate occurred when Vice President Biden ignored trumps constant interruptions and looked straight into the camera to talk to the viewers. Even I felt comforted by this man who I never thought in a million years I’d be so excited to vote for.

  • Trump has no respect for the military: Biden criticized trump for calling US war veterans ‘losers,” and then brought up his late son, Beau — who served in Iraq before succumbing to brain cancer in 2015. Instead of rebutting Biden’s claims, trump tried to distract viewers by turning the debate to Hunter Biden. “I don’t know Beau Biden,” trump returned with disgust. Of course he doesn’t.
  • Biden is a better father: Let’s face it, trump is a baaaaaad dad. He’s rapey with Ivanka, he’s gotten all of his kids into a heap of trouble with his financial dealings, not to mention the fact that he’s raised them all to be awful humans. But he really helped Biden out last night by striking a contrast between the two of them as dads. I’ll be honest with you one of the real highlights of the night was Biden turning to the American people after trump tried to attack his son Hunter, and saying how proud he was of his son overcoming drug addiction. That was real honest, real brave and utterly shocking. It made me like him even more.
  • Trump has no strategy for COVID-19: Not only did he call it the China Virus, trump had absolutely not answer when asked for his strategy for dealing with it. It seemed like he didn’t really understand what it meant to have a strategy to be honest.
  • Trump is a liar: I know…we all know this. But one of his biggest blunders of the night what when he claimed that the Portland sheriff supports him. Multnomah County Sheriff Mike Reese promptly responded saying,”As the Multnomah County Sheriff I have never supported Donald Trump and will never support him.” Neither do we, Mike. Neither do we.
  • Trump is hiding something: trump insists he’s payed millions in taxes. But when pushed to release his taxes he wouldn’t commit. Suprise, suprise.
  • Trump is the worst: Even the Chris Wallace, the moderator for the night, had to admit that trump was the one interrupting the most. This, of course, made trump sulk like the child he is.

Featured photo by Dhvani

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Annette Benedetti
Annette Benedetti
Annette is a writer, editor and photographer from Portland, OR. Her work appears in a variety of publications including Bust, Red Tricycle, Motherly and Domino. When she’s away from her desk she can be found teaching women yoga at wilderness retreats, exploring new cities across the states and hiking the trails at Mt. Rainier—one of her favorite places on earth.
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